SUNDAY — a RECAP, mostly by Nancy

Happy days !   Loads of quiet sleep last night.  I even slept through the coyotes yelling.  Was awakened twice by Brittanys wanting to go outside, but John let them out.  Breakfast (non-leather fried lightly egg and a sausage link), tomato/V8 juice, and then pills.  We had bought a pill container allowing spaces for Morning, Noon and night for all meds for the week.  It took us awhile to fill the box. Today for lunch we went to our neighbors, who ordered in Chinese as their oven/stove quit working.  Yummy and a nice visit.  I was so happy to be able to join their family again. Came home and slept hard for 2 hours !

Okay… after being on-line on my laptop again today, and calling some people by phone, I realized that many of you had not heard the entire story.  Even those reading the blog would have missed on the beginning of this because John didn’t get it started till Dec. 4th.

So, here is a list of events starting in June that culminated in what happened.  John will have to add and make corrections, but here you’ll have the whole story and not have to sort it out.

In June 2009 I went to the ER when my doctor in Cle Elum could not see me because the clinic was closed to participate in a funeral for one of their own.   My Doc listened to my symptoms and told me to go in immediately and ask for all the doctors in ER to take my case.   I was very run down and had red spots on my lower legs, indicating internal bleeding.  They examined me, took an X-ray, and so on and the lead doctor decided to take blood for a culture.  The lungs appeared to show “a bit of pneumonia” but nothing jumped out at them as to what was wrong.  He admitted me to the hospital for further testing.

Two days later, the culture results indicated my bloodstream was full of bacteria – introduced, we suspect, in a late April dental cleaning.  The  “a bit of pneumonia” was fluid leaking into my lung from damaged cells.  When infecting the heart this is called endocarditis. The bacteria grew on the valves of my heart — the mitral valve was the worst, and I had known for years I had a heart murmur and was advised early to take a high dose of antibiotics before any teeth cleaning or anything that opened my blood to potential infection. I had done that in April, but apparently I was run down and the antibiotic did not protect me.

I was very ill and had much fluid build-up which, along with my heart issues, made me have difficulty breathing.  These symptoms were treated. I received a non-targeted or general antibiotic while cultures were done to determine the exact nature of the bacteria.  There were four – all treatable with Rocephin – and as by then I was no longer in imminent danger of dying I could leave the hospital. I had to go in as an outpatient for 28 days for infusions of Rocephin that lasted ½ hr.  This was done via a tube or PICC line from my elbow to just above my heart.  That solved the bacterial infection.

Afterwards, I visited both an internal infection specialist and a cardiologist in Yakima.  Visits continued till it was determined I had made enough progress to teach in the fall.  Our classes begin in late September.   I managed until the morning of the day following Thanksgiving – I woke at 3 A.M. with chest pains.  First time, so I told John I was having a heart attack.  We dressed fast and he drove me to ER in Ellensburg.  They took me in and called an ambulance, sending me off to Yakima Regional Hospital.  Once there I had my first operation (for which I was awake), to watch them search for a blood clot that lodged in an artery across and leading to the front of my heart.  This was accomplished in the cardiac catheterization room where a long thin tube, called a catheter, was threaded into a blood vessel and then guided to and dislodged the blockage.

That was Friday about 6 A.M.  I seemed to be fine on Friday but by noon on Saturday all my systems were shutting down.  By late afternoon I was taken to the intensive care unit and I was put on life support.  Tubes and wires and things I didn’t know about.  It looked like I was dying.  6 days completely sedated.  Two more of partial sedation –  still with breathing and feeding tubes—but I was aware of my surroundings.  The exact reason for my cardiopulmonary collapse remains a mystery.

At some point they found I was deathly “allergic” to Heparin, the major blood thinner used for all operations and even to flush PICC lines. An initial test for this came back negative – it was suspected in the shutdown – then later, a second test showed the very serious reaction.  [This reaction is called Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and I discussed it earlier.  JFH]

I started to improve and was moved to a different floor.  Then my heart missed a few beats and I was back in the ICU, picking up a temporary pacemaker on the way.  There were a couple of days of watchful waiting and plans to insert a regular pacemaker but my blood clotting ability wasn’t cooperating.  While the wait went on I wasn’t eating well and started to deteriorate again (or more).

The death spiral was halted by inserting an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) to assist my heart pumping functions. [This too, I covered earlier.  JFH]  The IABP resulted, just a few hours later, in my general improvement.  This was the expected result and it also indicated a good result from a mitral valve replacement.  First I would have to live through an open heart operation – that probability was not real high. I was in intensive care with 24 hr supervision as they worked to improve my health.  It wasn’t happening.

John and I and the doctors talked.  This is the definition of between a rock and a hard place.  I would die without the operation.  I might die during it. Take your pick!  John sat at home with the dogs and they took me from the ICU at 9 A.M. on Tuesday, 12/29/2009.  The heart surgeon’s nurse called John at 3:30 to say she left the operation as they were closing my chest back up, that I was alive, and doing well.

The actual procedures – two by-passes and one valve replacement – normally take this team about 3 ½ hours.  Because of being on a non-standard blood thinner the operation was extended another 4 hours – 3 hours with an open chest to visually monitor how I was doing, another after initial closing to watch the equipment that was watching me.  I spent 2 ½ days sedated and intubated and closely watched.  John spent one day away as I was aware and wanted to communicate and the nurse wanted me as quiet and still as I could be.

I was in intensive care until I left Jan 20th for a rehabilitation facility in Ellensburg.  Had there been a room available in the care unit called “advanced care” I could have been moved.  That floor remained full and none were sicker than me so I stayed put. That changed on January 18th and I was booted upstairs with little warning.  I stayed for two days in that room.  Then I came to Ellensburg.

I had to be in a skilled care facility.  I lost much muscle mass and could not get up from bed on my own, nor walk once up.  So, my leaving the facility hinged on my being able to get out of bed on my own, get to the potty on my own, and walking with the aid of a walker.  I had physical therapy 3 hours each day.  Even my tongue had lost muscle and I had trouble swallowing, food and pills. Some say that for each day of being down a 2 to 3 day recovery is required.  I’m not there yet but I progressed enough to make it home.  The great day arrived for my departure (as you heard in Saturday’s blog), and now I’m home and getting better each day.  I will go back to outpatient physical therapy 3 times/week at the rehab center.

Thanks for caring and asking.


SATURDAY — Hi, I’m at home …

… in my recliner using my laptop — having checked out of the Kittitas Valley Rehabilitation Center yesterday right before noon, after my physical therapy.   John drove me to CWU campus where we participated in a scholarship luncheon with my normal Friday group.   Then home – first time since I left at 3:00 A.M. with chest pains, the day after Thanksgiving.

I was hopeful John would continue the blog because my writing nowhere touches his, but he insisted I needed to pick up now that I’m home with access to my computer (wow.. have not touched it so almost forgot how to start a Word document).  John says he will do a couple more general things before he quits but the day-to-day ones I can do.  We have an appointment with the heart surgeon on March 9th.  We will report on that and likely stop then.

Back to my first day home.  The 4 Brittanys were so happy to see me.   Meghan was the most responsive and sensitive first as I sat on the potty, my first stop in the house.  Then I walked to my recliner and got to pet Annie (youngest) and her dad, Dan.  Oh, Shay also came to say hi before I got back to the recliner.

It was a busy afternoon and I finally got to nap from about 4:00 to 5:20, and shortly after John and I went to a  home where our music group was having a potluck and play time.  We had to practice Irish music for an appearance the Saturday before St. Patrick’s day.  After bringing in the Mexican enchilada dish to share, John went on to the pharmacy to pick up the many meds I will have to take – no more nurses to hand them out.

My first night was longer than any recently because it was quiet and comfortable.  My only challenge is now I need John’s assistance to stand from the low & soft recliner.  All the chairs I have learned to get out of at Physical Therapy are higher and have a  sturdier push-up from seat.  It’s okay – I’ll get there soon.  I’m continuing out-patient therapy at the facility in town 3 days a week.

I’m so happy to be able to report I survived and am home again and regaining strength each day.   I could not have done it without the obvious help of doctors, surgeons, nurses, assistants, care providers, all the thoughts and prayers and contact from all of you, my friends and relatives.   Thank you all so much.  My most intensive support, love and concern, came from John, my sweetie.  It was rough on him to take care of the animals (3 horses & 4 dogs), and still make one or two trips to be with me in Yakima for all those many weeks.  I wasn’t transferred to the Rehab center here until Jan 20th, and I could not get out of bed on my own for many weeks.   Then once there he visited for two meals each day.  At least the drive was closer.  He also has honchoed all the paperwork with CWU for retirement and cleaned out my office of the many boxes with materials back over all my teaching years (starting 1966 at Georgia State University in Atlanta).

So, I have written more than you will likely be willing to read, and there are many thank you messages to be done (I’ll get to some of those later) but, for now, I want to express a general Thank You! to those who got the word out to others, sent cards, presents, visited and so on.

I had contacts from all over the world.  It was very special.


WEDNESDAY — 43 and counting

That’s hours!

About Noon on Friday Nancy will sign out of her guest lodgings.  As I write, that is just over 43.5 hours.  Saturday will be her first full-day home since Thanksgiving – 3 months.

Home, however is a mess.  The office she occupied at the university is empty.  Its contents, not counting what I have thrown out or given away, are now in our previously cluttered living space.  For a few days Nancy and her 3-wheeled walker will be severely restricted as to where they can go together.  The “un-approved” method of travel – what the physical therapist calls “furniture-walking” may take her a bit farther.

The way I see it, the more throwing away we do, the more her living space will expand.  Is that an incentive, or what?

TUESDAY — the reporter checks back in

Sunday was a non-event day.  There were a couple of visitors and me for lunch and supper.  By non-event I mean there was no therapy.  Nancy got a lot of rest.

Monday the therapy folks made her work hard.  Then as lunch was about over a tall thin fellow with a guitar and a fiddle, two young ladies, one with a guitar and one with a fiddle and a 2 year old – came to play for the patients.  The man came to Nancy’s building but the other three missed the fact that there are two facilities side-by-side, and they entered the other one.

For a short time the man was alone with assembled patients, a guitar and a fiddle.  He asked if anyone could play with him but no one was able so I got Nancy – she is in the adjacent room – and just as the two of them got started the other ladies showed up.  The man was from the upper mid-west and the ladies seemed to be local.  They all knew the tunes, though, and Nancy didn’t.  They would start a tune and she would have to pick it up and add what she could.  Some were story-songs the fellow had written.  It all worked quite well.  For the last song they powwowed with Nancy and agreed on a tune she knew.  She was most pleased.

When I got home I had a message on the recorder from a person in Yakima that wanted to tell Nancy about the latest blood test and what amounts of medication to take.

Tuesday morning I gave the number to Nancy and she called the person.  The conversation was a bit off-kilter because the lady felt she was responsible for reviewing tests and changing medications and, somehow, she didn’t know that Nancy was not at home and didn’t quite grasp that Nancy knew only that her blood had been taken – and nothing more until a rehab nurse brought the pills.  The nurse then talked to the lady in Yakima.  The source of confusion was never uncovered.  We don’t know who handled the med-change on either end.  However, when the nurse explained the change and the reason for it to Nancy and me we both understood what was being done and why.  We have never known the chain of data once the blood is drawn.  Were we supposed to?

I expect Nancy to leave rehab on Friday.  I think the decision is still to be made on Wednesday afternoon.


The distance traveled today was 0.48 mile, one way.  Double that and we still didn’t make a full mile in the car.  I should have zagged or zigged on the way to or from.  I wasn’t sure whether to zig or zag so I didn’t.

Nancy got in and out of the car just fine.  The 4-wheeled walker ‘just’ fit in the back.  These things do fold but are still large and odd shaped.  The place we visited is a series of apartments with mostly senior folk and from the gender of those that showed up, about 94% female.   A few came with walkers much like the one Nancy is using.  There were a couple of wheel chairs and maybe a cane or two.  There were snacks afterward but of the dry cookie type or small sandwich variety.  I could have made a meal of the stuff but Nancy is into moist and softer things and we didn’t stay.

Also, we needed to return to her room for a potty stop and then she needed a nap. She very much wants to participate but from getting going to getting back was about 2 hours and that, currently, is a lot for her.

Changing direction a little, we’ve noticed that on her lower legs her skin is peeling much as it would if sunburned and there is some general redness there also.  This is the location of the worst of the edema and visible swelling during her ICU stay.  I suspect a connection and have briefly searched on the ‘web’ with little success.  The search results I’m getting are all over the spectrum and not what I want.  I guess my search terms need improvement.  If you have any ideas on this issue you can let me – John –  know here:

FRIDAY — PT outside

On Thursday we wheelchaired across the parking lot between the facility where Nancy is and another with assisted-living characteristics.  Nancy and other “fiddlers and friends” played music for a few folks in the dinning room.

Friday A.M. they have also taken the wheelchair away.  She is able to get out of bed and use the walker.  When it is not within reach she still is supposed to have someone move it into position and lock the wheels.  She can take herself to the potty, now fitted with a raised platform with arm rests.  This is making everyone’s day more pleasant.

If she is in a chair with a low seat she may still need a little tug to get vertical but less so each day.

Today I took my car to the back of the building.  Nancy trundled outside using the 4-wheeled walker and the physical therapist explained a safe way for her to approach, back up to, and seat herself in the passenger seat.  She did this more easily than we expected – even after a rather strenuous workout during the morning (inside) exercises.

The immediate need for the correct manner of getting in and out of the car is so we can go to another music session on Saturday.  The place is not far away but enough so that she is not ready to go that far with just the walker and I don’t want to push a wheelchair that far.  I think this little trip is on the level of Ivory Soap®-sure* but check back.


* 99.44 % :  See 3rd paragraph in History, here:

WEDNESDAY — progress assessment

The assembled members of the nursing and therapy council pronounced a stellar performance by Nancy at this point in her rehabilitation.

I think the thing that confounds just about all of us is that no one is quite sure of what Nancy is being rehabilitated from.  People tend to view situations a little differently based on their own previous experiences.  The views of the people we talked with today are influenced by the many patients they have cared for with injuries or strokes.  Nancy has a combination of factors that have incapacitated her but injury (a shattered hip from a fall, say) and stroke are not among her problems.

I wish I knew more about the damage done to organs and cells in the few days in late November and early December but it seems to me that the body’s natural repair of these things was a slow process.  During much of December this process was underway but complicated by the faulty heart.  This resulted in many days of “down time” for Nancy during which her muscles went unused.

In the midst of all this was open heart surgery.

Nancy can extract herself from bed, stand and move into either a walker or a wheel chair, and move about.  The seat of the wheel chair is lower to the floor than the bed so (today) it still required a helpful tug for her to achieve vertical status from the chair.  Still all this seems to be progressing well and a little faster than some thought it would.

One issue all would like complete recover for is the inability to maintain bladder control.  This function was compromised by the extended lack of use of the muscles and the use of a catheter.  In recent weeks Nancy has not been able to get out of bed on her own nor to get on to or off of the potty.  Help has not been timely, creating frequent unpleasantries for Nancy and the staff.

Following from Nancy’s increased mobility and ability to sit and stand from taller items, today a raised platform with arms was fitted over the low commode.  This and an introduction to “Kegel exercises” should soon resolve the problem and everyone, especially Nancy, will soon give a shout of joy.


If you care:

TUESDAY — shura

Same ‘ol, same ‘ol today – nothing new or different.  But tomorrow is big!  There’s to be a council of care givers.  Someone (Who?) set up a meeting (Where?) to discuss –I don’t know (What?).  I do know that the time of this meeting/council/shura is 2 P.M. Pacific Standard Time because Nancy told me that much.  Why?  I don’t know?  She told me today so I could be there tomorrow – I guess.  Without a time clock to worry about, I don’t care what time it will be.  I’ll just wait.

I will, seriously, report on the meeting after it happens.  Meanwhile, if you need a good chuckle, try this video:

MONDAY — swans

A swan seems to take off with difficulty, some even say clumsily.  Once airborne the legs tuck in and the neck stretches out – and the clumsy becomes graceful in flight.

Nancy is close, but not yet able, to get started on her own.  Wheelchair, potties, and most beds are low and she just can’t quite get up from them.  In the PT room they have a bed that is higher off the floor.  From it Nancy can get her feet on the floor and with the high handles of her ‘walker’ she can establish vertical posture.  Then she is ready and able to travel.

The grace of a swan in flight?  Maybe not.

But grace, nonetheless.


Friday evening, with Nancy doing well, I decided I would stay home on Saturday morning.  So I did.  I stayed home this morning to do a few things and failed – not in staying home but in getting anything done.  Dogs and horses needed attention. Nancy called several times.

Her roommate’s daughter had stopped at a well know food place and bought a milkshake – “one of the best shakes in town.”  Nancy thought she might like one.  To kill two of us birds with one stone I decided to order my meal as well.  $10 later I was on my way.  Why does a small milkshake cost $3.00 when I can buy a half-gallon of ice cream (on sale) for the same price?

Next “milkshake day” I’ll make it at home and carry it in.  And don’t get me started on how little things cost when I was young!

It is late afternoon and I’ll soon be headed back to town.  We have 100% cloud cover and it is sprinkling and I have to go out and feed horses.  And the dogs want to go out and run in the muck – not a chance!

I’ve looked all over for a phone number she wants.  Can’t find it.

Ran her soiled shirts (blouses) through the laundry.  Then ran the dish washer just to claim I’d done something useful.

In December Nancy was in the hospital and I bought a cell phone.  It has a camera.  It isn’t of much use unless I can get the images from it to my computer.  It has “Bluetooth” and a USB port.  I haven’t figured out the Bluetooth thingy yet so I went (today) and bought the appropriate cable for the USB connector.  I just spent an hour trying to figure that out.  No luck.  So I will make another trek to the AT&T store to see if they have any idea.  If that doesn’t work I’ll have to go find an 8 year-old.

Rant over.