Saturday evening

Just a short note.
Nancy felt well enough to go play music and consume warm soup at a retirement community center. From 2 to 4, today.

Rain began here on the Naneum Fan in the middle of the night but neither of us know the time. A 30 gallon garbage can under the ‘V’ or valley at the front of the house was filled when we first looked. It has been drained, along with numerous 5 gallon buckets under the drip line.
Rain is supposed to continue, tapering off by 10 AM Sunday.

When I went to the road/mailbox about 4:30 I could see Naneum Ridge, to our north. Back a few miles it goes to 6,000 feet; closer more like 4,000.
There was snow at about 3,000 feet, just 650 feet higher than our house. Traffic cameras and the camera at the Mt. Rainier Visitor Center show snow both south and north of us in the Cascades (to our west).

Local weather lure is that snow will be on us 2 weeks after first appearing on Naneum Ridge. Monday and all of next week are likely to be warmer and dryer. Each day, the forecast will look another day ahead.

We are scheduled to go to Seattle on November 3rd to a WTA event.
Snow is supposed to arrive on November 4th.
The anticipation builds. Stay tuned.


Oh! Nancy is now working on her weekly update. No news, there.