TUESDAY — another day, another pound

They added weights to Nancy’s ankles, one pound each, part way through the workout today.  That’s how progress is measured.

Actually, they had to.  She now weighs less than when we married in 1969.

That seems like another world and another lifetime ago.

Maybe the physical therapy will redistribute the remaining excess stuff a little but I suspect this weight loss thing will cease as she rebuilds some muscle.

When she lost some weight last summer we went to a few garage sales and picked up a few things and also ordered a few things from a company that started and grew along with my father’s family back in Warren, Pennsylvania.  History here:


Our family never got involved except I’ve had cousins work there and they and other family members would buy returned goods on special days (at pennies on the dollar).  That’s our once-upon-a-time connection in case you need to know why we buy clothes from a small company in a small town in a place we have never lived.

The clothes purchased last summer are now too large.  Guess what’s next?