Not so Nasty News Sept 6

The Cascade Mountains of Washington ~3,000 ft., fall has arrived. September 6, 2019. Talapus Lake Trail.

Item #1: Lines. What Lines?

Washington State license plates get 2 stick on tabs. On the left is one indicating the month the license has to be renewed. On the right is one that changes color and year# – each year. The change this year was from green to black.
The photo shows such a sticker (very poorly) converted from the 2018 green to the 2019 black. This would not have fooled a 3rd grader.
It did not get by a Snohomish County trooper, either.
The driver was fined $228 for an expired tab violation. Maybe later they will think of something else to charge him with.

Item #2: Guilty
This English lady (?) has a problem with a neighbor. There has been a long running dispute so she placed a large potted plant in front of a fellow’s kitchen window. He can’t open it nor see through it. She also put up CCTV cameras directed toward his windows.
de Jong versus Johnston

She claims to be a victim but the judged sided with the neighbor.

We don’t feel “urban” enough to live in such close proximity to our neighbors.

Item #3: He missed the door It appears he missed the yellow hydrant.

They think the man had been without coffee too long. The Common Ground Coffee shop paid the price.

Renton, WA

Item #4: Fall color
Few things still bloom here in September. This yellow bloomer is a Rabbitbrush (Gray; Asteraceae Ericameria nauseosa – I think)
Left: probably Coronis Fritillaries; Right: a small bumblebee (?)

Item #5: Fall color 2


And that, for this week, is the not so nasty news.