Hot, dry, July, 4th

Sunday, June 28

For June 27 CPAP. Reported figures. 6 hrs 58 min with AHI=1.29 Events: 8 H, 1 OA. No major mask leaks (max=22 L/min); oximeter on, 7 hrs 47 min, AHI = 1.16

Up early but to a warm house that did not cool down as normal overnight. Hallway was 75; outside was 71. By 9:00 up to 83° and at 10:00 already 90°. I fed the small animals, unloaded the dishwasher, filled it again, took care of emails, getting data from my CPAP and Oximeter, and now will tackle the stacks around my chair & computer. Oh, I did arrange for going to Cle Elum to the Belair House where my 92-year-old friend is staying for assisted living with 5 others. Evelyn (banjo) and I are going to entertain them over the lunch hour July 3, with our patriotic / USA songs program. I will pick up his wife in Ellensburg and drive her up with me (35 miles).

I worked on updating music for the July 2 performance at the Adult Activity Center.–
With John’s invaluable help, we finished and published the blog.

Our young-teenage neighbor girl came asking for work, and John has her helping loading and unloading rocks – filling the large hole. She plans to return in the morning at 8:00 a.m.

We were happy to have Sue (Woody’s mom) return for canned dinner after many weeks away. She has had access to hard food in the “cathouse” — so perhaps has been coming in without our realizing it. Tonight, however, we had already fed Woody, and John was out working near the garden and saw her by the red barn. He called her name and she came – conversing with him all the way over to the cat’s loft. Woody came too, and both ate. I wonder if she will be back tomorrow.

On John’s recent trip with Nick Zentner to Peoh Point & Snoqualmie, below are photos you have not seen. First is the photo of the group on Peoh Point, and the collage of views from there and Snoqualmie are below. John was standing next to the photographer, so he is not in the picture. I have made a collage below of the views from that spot and another on the trip.
Group on Peoh Point above

Above is a view collage (left) from Peoh Point with the Kittitas Valley in the foreground and the city of S. Cle Elum and Cle Elum in the center, with Mt. Stuart and the Stuart range in the distance. On the right is the view of some Cascade peaks from the top of a ski run at Snoqualmie Pass.

Monday, June 29

For June 28 CPAP. Reported figures. 6 hrs 33 min with AHI=0.91 Events: 6 H, 3 CSR. No major mask leaks (max=11 L/min); oximeter on, 8 hrs 50 min, AHI = 0.68

John got up early and met our neighbor, Mikala (14), at the front gate at 8:00 a.m. for 2 hrs of work with the rock transfer from there to the road repair pit (thixotropic soil out – rocks in). [Sand and organic matter will be mixed with the soft soil and incorporated into the garden-leveling project.] The temperature was 69° when they started and 82° when they stopped. She plans to return for an hour tonight at 6:00 p.m.
I had fed Woody inside the front yard but she was still around when John was returning from the rock pit. Below (2 images split at the tiny white square) she is behind the shovel [left 1/5 of image] and (right side) she has moved to in front of the gate.
I was out front to take a photo of the spring inside the depressible book truck.
Left is the side view showing the depressible shelf. John put a piece of plywood on top, in case Woody jumped up there and might get scared when it depressed. It also was being spit upon by the Black Walnut tree it is beneath.

Very sad the wildfire in Wenatchee that leveled 23 homes located in an impossible place to stop a fire. There is a steep bank covered with brush and grass on the west side of the houses – the direction from which the fire came. With just a little wind fire can burn up a slope easily. Also, the houses fill their lots with no space to get a pumper truck or anything else between the fire and the back of the house.
Here are the Google Earth coordinates: 47.454370, -120.355105
… for the big house in the lower center of the photos above. Go there and zoom in, and you can see landscape trees and shrubs behind and between the houses.
The collage above is merged with a Google Earth grab of the Broadview subdivision area, northwest part of Wenatchee, with five houses on the bottom of each picture. Orient yourself to the 4 white squares in the middle of the other side of the road. The houses on the opposite side of the street were also burned to the ground.
This collage shows the fire that started at 2:15 p.m. and people rafting on the Wenatchee River moved to the side to let the helicopters dip their buckets. The top right shows the raging fire in the distance. Lower left shows a house going up in flames, and the bottom right shows only the foundation of one house.

Tuesday, June 30

For June 29 CPAP. Reported figures. 5 hrs 20 min with AHI=0.00 Events: 0 H. No major mask leaks (max=16 L/min); oximeter on, 7 hrs 59 min, AHI = 0.00

I drove by and picked up five 5-gallon buckets and some smaller ones from a gal at the south end of Naneum Road.

JAZZERCISE at 2:00, antibiotics at 2:30 for dentist, on to dentist for 3:30 appt to have my eyetooth fixed. I was in the chair about an hour & a half. It is nicely fixed with a build-up and I’m hoping stays so I don’t have to have a crown.
HERE IS A PICTURE !! The dentist has to send it to my insurance company.
They sent me a copy too.
This is seen through a blue rubber dam. The yellow is a piece of stuff to retract the gum. The gloved finger above my broken off eyetooth is holding the rubber dam up and showing my red gum. My nose is at the top of the photo. The silver thing on the right side is the frame the rubber dam is hooked to. This contraption keeps the tooth being worked on, nice and dry.

Wednesday, July 1

For June 30 CPAP. Reported figures. 6 hrs 18 min with AHI=2.22 Events: 13 H, 3 CSR, 1 OA. No major mask leaks (max=19 L/min); oximeter on, 8 hrs 26 min, AHI = 1.66 Something strange between 3:15 a.m. and 4:15 a.m., when all that activity occurred ??? Wonder why.

I had to dodge a cattle drive, and go 3 miles out of my way, but I made it to the Food Bank in time to meet a “buy nothing” participant, Heather JB, who gave me two unused folding chair bags (to fulfill my request for a canvas bag to store my Tripod). This is nice because they have a shoulder strap attached too. I delivered her two small pots of hen and chicks. She was the recipient of a larger planter of them a month ago. It was a good trade.

Thursday, July 2

For July 1 CPAP. Reported figures. 7hrs 3 min with AHI=0.71 Events: 5 H, 3 CSR. No major mask leaks (max=15 L/min); oximeter on, 7 hrs 45 min, AHI = 0.64

John and I left about 10:15 for town to pick up Carole, the wife of our group’s former first violinist. He died a couple of years ago and we haven’t seen a lot of her after that. She doesn’t play an instrument, but loves to sing.

THANKS to our 14 musicians who entertained the crowd at the Adult Activity Center today for a celebration of the Fourth of July, early. We sang many patriotic or USA songs. We had 2 banjos, tambourine, 2 fiddles, viola, and the rest guitars. We sang 10 songs and had good audience participation for the first half hour of the celebration from 1:30 to noon. At the end, everyone stood and sang the National Anthem acapella, with a beat gently played on the Bass Fiddle in the background, by Dave Perkins. Then they fed us hamburgers or hotdogs (or both), watermelon, potato salad, baked beans, and all the fixings. In the back of the room was a dessert table for when we were done eating. Most of those were pot-lucked by the AAC members. There was more stuff left so I brought some home, in addition to what I had taken that wasn’t eaten.
Top, Nancy introducing the group and the program; bottom, the entire group (14) stretched out playing for a responsive crowd.

Friday, July 3

For July 2 CPAP. Reported figures. 7 hrs 36 min with AHI=1.84 Events: 14 H, 2 CSR. No major mask leaks (max=23 L/min).

I left at 10:40 to pick up Gloria Swanson for our drive to Cle Elum. We arrived about 11:35, and visited the residents, staff, and owners. At some point after noon at the Belair House, Cle Elum, we were served lunch (salmon, potatoes, & peas), in a dining room, off the kitchen. We had Evelyn on the banjo and me on the fiddle to sing and play patriotic songs for Paul Swanson and the other residents, and for staff, owners, and a friend who took photos.

Kim Black (one of the owners) took 3 videos on my camera. Another fellow, Steve, photographed us as well, and the group all joined in the singing.

2015 July at Cle Elum, Belair Home
Evelyn Heflen (banjo), Nancy Hultquist (fiddle), with resident, & Gloria reflecting in the TV screen from in front of Evelyn. More residents and staff are behind that you will see and hear in the following videos.

America, The Beautiful

Battle Hymn of the Republic

God Bless America

This collage was designed by Nancy from individual photos shared from her friend, Glenn Engels, which he took ~ 3 years ago at Ellensburg’s Rotary Park.
This year the fireworks have been cancelled – the city had a prescribed burn a couple of days ago on the field – then cancelled it anyway. Thankfully, other small towns did so too. The county did not. Fireworks are legal from 9 AM until midnight. Dumb!

For July 3 CPAP. Reported figures. 7 hrs 11 min with AHI=0.42 Events: 3 H.. No major mask leaks (max=19 L/min).

John worked, in the shade, for a couple of hours loading rocks where in previous years he’d dug holes for fence posts. Now they are in the large hole – never to be seen again, we hope. With the temperature up to 98, he’s only going out to move the hoses watering strawberries. He poured water on onions, squash, and tomatoes. We have had squash but no tomatoes.

Finally got my second letter off to New Zealand for my former student’s entry to a Ph.D. program there, and alternately working on various projects, in between working on this blog. The Internet bouncing off and on is making all computer chores difficult.

Temperatures made it to 100° at 2:00 p.m. at the airport. We have 99.9 here, & it’s hot all around.

John placed a large cardboard sheet outside the window by the old patio door. My motor-powered recliner is just inside. It has lowered light level and reduced the heat of hot glass and the dark metal parts. We’ve done this in prior years. He has a plan for something the wind will pass through (lattice panels) that will stand out away from the door – once he puts the new one in. It is now in the garage, next to my car.
And, on one of his many trips out to move hoses today, he brought 2 domestic lily blossoms – one deep red and one almost white, both with yellow.
July 4-15 Lily bouquet
Hope your week was fine.

Nancy and John
Still on the Naneum Fan