Excitement this Week

Sunday, Feb 15

CPAP report. Reported figures. 6 hrs 26 min with AHI = 0.62
Events: 4 H No major mask leaks (max=20 L/min)

We got the blog out late last night, so John could get up at 5:00 a.m. to head for a WTA work crew day across the pass at Tiger Mt. near Issaquah. He won’t return until 5:30 p.m. I did give the morning food to Woody on her pallet perch. She was waiting and came right when called, at 9:00 a.m. Now I’m sure she is missing John, as he works around the yard and feeds the horses.

I actually had a weird non-restful night with the CPAP mask, so as John was pulling out the driveway, I took some meds, removed the mask, left my Oximeter running, and went back for a restful sleep for 3 hours. I did not report that above in the figures.

I spent the day on various types of paperwork. I had Internet connection problems.

Monday, Feb 16 President’s Day

CPAP report. Reported figures. 6 hrs 36 min with AHI = 0.15
Events: 1 CSR, 1 H No major mask leaks (max =21 L/min)

Day began quite early (5:15 a.m.) with noises (back-up beeps from heavy equipment) from the road that turned out to be the before-dawn cleanup of a load of logs that rolled off a logging truck at 2:30 a.m., in front of our house. More of the story below with links to videos and a report on the web. Photo below is from our driveway’s end, over 350′ from our house. The building in the background (corner of roof) is our shed. It’s 1.5 stories high, and our house only one. Our house is left of that shed (and out of the picture). This just shows the logs that rolled off the truck, from the road, across our neighbor’s driveway, over and through our fence, onto a little ridge. This photo was taken at 9:00 a.m. after the truck and rig had been removed and the logs rearranged to open the neighbor’s driveway. The truck was not damaged in the process and was driven away before we became aware of the activity at the end of our driveway.
Road curve
The red line is our north-fence and to the right of that – our neighbor’s driveway. There is an open area and then Naneum Road. North is to the right and the truck was coming from that direction as shown by the blue line. The gray area was the spill zone. Right-center is an electric utility pole – missed it by about 8 feet. Below, seen in Oregon (from the web), is a photo of the sort of trucks seen on Naneum Road.
Logging Truck From Web
Later in the morning, I heard from Ken, my neighbor up the road, that he heard the noise of a truck setting its brakes, followed by a loud noise he thought was an explosion. He looked out and saw lights on the curve and called 911. The sheriff arrived at 3:30 a.m. We did not hear the initial activity, but did hear and then noticed the activity about 8:30.
John walked up to see what the noise was, but the workers had left, after removing logs from our neighbor’s driveway. He came back and told me to put on my warm clothes and bring my camera. Once the sun was up enough to see, we made some trips around the scene to see what we could determine must have happened. I took photos and some videos. Later at 11:00 when the sun was higher in the sky, we went out and I took more photos.

Here are two of the videos and more explanation will be on a web page I’m creating, with more of the complete story, or, “the rest of the story,” as we know it now over two days, Monday and Tuesday:

Logging Truck Delivery

If you go there and it is incomplete, please return later. Meanwhile, these are out on You Tube to give you the overall setting.

Logging Truck’s Loss, 2-16-15, President’s Day

View from Rock Crib Address Corner Driveway, Naneum

Dang.. my Internet was down again for several hours. I had to reset the network adapter, once I got up and checked John’s computer and found it was working. Why mine wasn’t and that disconnecting the power allowed mine to come back up is beyond me. I was on the phone with a computer support technician for Fairpoint (phone line & DSL provider). In the house the old XP and wired router is in a back room. We do most computer stuff in a front room via wireless connections for mine and John’s newer computer. Glitches are unexplained but easily fixed, but they do take time from other things.

Received call from Jerry Anderson – neighbor we’ve mentioned before. He had an Aortic valve replaced in Arizona (well, in his heart), but through the groin. That’s a very new procedure not done very many places in the U.S. It was 4 weeks ago and he is doing fine. This is not yet done in Yakima and they basically told him it needed done but could wait but to see about it in Arizona where he goes for winter. There they said it can’t wait – go to the hospital. He sounded good.
I completed a memorandum to the Provost at CWU about a Task Force for Running Start (RS) students, based on my experiences in the early 2000s with two home-schooled students in the RS program who were in my Geog 203 Maps class, and very successful graduates of our program a few years later.

Tuesday, Feb 17

CPAP report. Reported figures. 8 hrs 42 min with AHI = 0.23
Events: 2 H No major mask leaks (max=8 L/min)
after the SpO2 added, it was 9hrs 54 min AHI= 0.20

Off at 9:15 for Yakima for a foot doctor meeting. I was there on time, but was not seen for 35 minutes, for a procedure that only took 12 minutes. Then off to Costco where gasoline was $1.99/gal. Cost in Ellensburg is $2.05 at the lowest but $2.11 or higher most places. Price changes daily so you can only guess until you see the big signs.

Took a few more photos today after the clean-up of the logs, and of the beginning of the re-loading process that we missed by having to leave town. I toddled off into the woods to take a picture of bird nests. We think they are from a Bullocks Oriole – now wintering in Mexico. From my walk I took the photo below. Guide books claim the birds will use horsehair, if available, and we think there is some in those nests. We use an orange plastic woven tarp for dams in the irrigation ditch and think there is some of that in the nests. There is a closeness in the colors of the horses and the orange tarp, so we’ll try for a closeup using an extension ladder.
We don’t think there is a rush to do that as the birds don’t come back for at least 2 months.

Night-time, I went back to Royal Vista for playing music with The Connections. I have 3 friends in the place for assisted care and physical therapy. I saw that all three of them got down and seated in their wheelchairs on the front row. My friends are Lorene, Collette, and Jeanne.

Two days in a row, we have had router problems and lost our internet. The message is: Wireless Network Connection doesn’t have a valid IP configuration. We have to pull the power cord on the router to get our Internet access back. Monday, I was off for 3 hours before I tried calling the service provider for DSL. I think our router’s parts are wearing out. Hopefully, it will stay working long enough to post this blog and follow-up web page about the log delivery incident.

Wednesday, Feb 18

CPAP report. Reported figures. 7 hrs 28 min with AHI = 0.13
Events, 1H. No major mask leaks (max=9 L/min)

I did not have a good night’s sleep last night, awaking every hour except 4:00 am. I do not think it was related to the earthquake 20 miles to the north of us, near Liberty, a 4.4 one down 5 miles, at 1:04 a.m. I did not feel it, nor did John, and the dogs didn’t awake us. The layers under us are not the same as up that way.

On my way to FOOD BANK, I stopped at Kristen’s place near me, picking up a bag of clothes, some returned that I gave her that did not work, and she put in more for me to try or to pass along to others. Went on into Ellensburg and picked up some wool gloves, from Heather.
Food bank was fun today, and we had 4 of us entertaining. Also ate with a former student, who has offered his volunteer services, and met some more new people in town. Their daughter was with them, and plays the violin. The people at the table tried to talk her into joining us next week because she can read music. Problem may be that she has never heard all these old songs.

From there off to SAIL exercise, and back home by way of Royal Vista to play and sing with Karen (she on the accordion). That’s every 3rd Wednesday of the month.

I still have photos and videos to get from my camera, data from both my machines (CPAP and Oximeter), dishes to clean up, and blog stories to write.

Additional crap this morning was an OUT OF AREA phone call saying they had been calling me several times, and I needed to return a call to a 202 area code number, because the IRS had a lawsuit against me. We checked the web later and found, as suspected, it was a scam. I know the IRS only contacts people by postal mail, not emails or phone. The call was from IMAX communications in Wash., D.C., and has been going on since 2012. Any call coming through on my caller ID with OUT OF AREA, I pick up and do not say anything to activate the robot with a voice. Usually there’s a hang-up, or occasionally, a message, as today. If any of you ever call me and have that happen, say, Hello, this is “xxxxx” , because I have gotten card-minutes calls occasionally from people (John’s sister, for one), that also come through that way. Please identify yourself. We get Internet scam about every other day and I tag those so they don’t get through again from the same address.

Thursday, Feb 19 Happy Chinese New Year – the year of the Ram

CPAP report. Reported figures. 7 hrs 40 min with AHI = 0.13
Events: 1 H No major mask leaks (max=13 L/min) — no SpO2 data available

Craziness continues. At least I had a decent night’s sleep, but my computer is not responding on many fronts. I did manage to create and produce a legible copy of lyrics and chords (only) for the guitarists on Green, Green Grass of Home. I also ran off I’ll Fly Away in G with all the lyrics I did not have on last week’s copy.

My Oximeter battery lost its charge, so I received no SpO2 (blood Oxygen saturation % level) data last night to coordinate with my CPAP data.

Another morning scam on our computer, this time on the email account we have shared since 1995. The subject title was Bureau of Federal Investigation. The email of the send was from Canada (.ca at the end of the address), and the message was full of misspellings, so we know it’s a scam, just like all the Nigeria et al. ones about people dying and leaving money to us.

Here’s a wish for you from a friend of mine, for this special day:

New Year

Friday, Feb 20

CPAP report. Reported figures. 7 hrs 12 min with AHI = 0.28
Events: 2 h No major mask leaks (max=7 L/min)
After the SpO2 added, AHI = 0.21 for 9 hrs 36 min.

Walked to the “front” of our property to view more of the logs-gone situation, and to checkout some other stuff John’s doing on removing brush near our east property line to try to make visible for a surveyor to mark our boundaries, which appear to be confused over time. We will rebuild a nice fence out front and want to be sure it is where it is supposed to be. The old fences were internal to a larger holding – some lines are not very straight. There is also a hard-to-trace set of barbed wires that seem not to relate to anything else. They have been there many years.

I went to town for my exercise SAIL class, which has been cut to only two days a week because of too many people in the class to be safe for all. I can only attend on Wednesday & Friday.
Home by way of Grocery Outlet for a few cans of cat food and a large bucket of Vanilla ice cream. On my way out, I saw a marked down ($5) pair of jeans in John’s size. He has to try them on to be sure they fit, and then if not, I have a month to return them for a refund. Seems an odd item in a discount grocery, but last month I bought some work socks. Earlier they were also selling snow boots.

Saturday, Feb 21

CPAP report. Reported figures. 7 hrs 42 min with AHI = 0.39
Events: 3H, 1CSR,1.5m No major mask leaks (max=5 L/min)

I have been working on the blog and on the supplemental web page to describe the logging accident. We are going to make the fence replacement an opportunity to reconfigure the entire front approach to our property. Sort of a “first impression” upgrade. About 2:30 our couple-miles-away neighbor (with earth moving equipment) is coming over to review the ideas John has for moving dirt around out front to replace the fence and the gate to our property. It will require bulldozing to contour the land and move the piles of rock and uneven terrain. We’ll split the driveway about 100 feet from Naneum Road and take a nearly straight shot to the new hay barn and old shed. Photos later.

We left at 4:00 p.m. for the Grange scholarship fundraiser spaghetti dinner, going by way of Circle K in town for $2.059/gal gasoline for John’s car, as he leaves early tomorrow for WTA trail work at Poo Poo Point, on Tiger Mountain, close to where he worked last Sunday, but likely they’ll be higher up and may have a view into the Puget Sound.

Hope your week was fine.

Nancy and John
Still on the Naneum Fan