Rain and preparing for winter

A member of a family we’ve known for many years is an insurance agent. I learned this while visiting with her sister last spring. Sister #1 said you need to talk to sister #2 (there are 7 girls in that bunch). This had to do with changing the Medicare supplement plan and can be done in Washington State only after Nov 1st.
Things come and go, and one of the things that went a couple of years ago was coverage in my area by Kaiser Permanente, a company that acquired WA’s Group Health in February 2017. Almost immediately relations between the local hospital and clinics and Kaiser deteriorated.
On July 31, 2021 we became “out-of-network” and needed to pick a new provider. I wasn’t paying much attention and the WA Health Care Authority via its Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) made that choice for me. I think they chose “the best” and the most expensive. Much later – conversation with Sister #1 – I became aware that I likely needed to change. After two meetings and a lot of paperwork, 2025 will see me with a different and cheaper provider. I will save just a bit more by having my “meds” sent via mail on a 90 day cycle. I can still get yearly vaccines at the local pharmacy.

Ownership of the local phone company changed. The new name is Lightcurve. Tuesday evening, they hosted a community get-to-gather with food and prizes. . I got a good meal (brought a little home) and
won 2 items. The company mascot is an Otis the Otter — I won a small stuffed mascot. Next, I won the grand prize of the evening.

Suggested retail price is $359.95. I sat with neighbor Alan. He said if I loan it to him he will bring it back with a salmon in it. He has “indian-fishing-rights” and does come by with a salmon now and then. He plows my driveway snow and occasionally adds a helping hand when needed.

The truck got a service, including an oil change, and no issues were discovered. The specifications call for 8.85 qts of oil but they charge for 9 quarts. I wonder where the other 0.15 goes. The dealership has lots of pricey trucks with many claiming $5,000 off. Still the prices go from $60,000 to $90,000. I’m happy with mine.

We worked on sparkling wine. I’ve found a short video that shows the steps. White Heron’s equipment is a little different, although the processes are similar. We used an old freezer Nancy purchased at a farm auction many years ago near Troy Idaho. The initial chill from the freezer is completed by a short time in crushed dry ice (solid CO2). This week the dry ice was in short supply at the grocery outlets because folks where buying it to use in their Halloween displays. My position was cleaning the bottles after the wire cage was put on.

When not running and doing the above, I have been preparing for winter by putting mulch on some new trees, putting garden hoses away, and making some firewood. Here is a photo of my companion on Saturday.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan