Bulbs and firewood

The National Weather Service claims an 80% chance of a little rain during the early hours of Sunday. I’ve had three projects underway and didn’t want rain before I got the Black Walnuts gathered and all the flower bulbs in the ground. I planted in three different locations along the driveway. Two have been done for a couple of days. The last bed got done this afternoon, except I need to cover with more dirt, sand, and mulch. Then I will put leaves and pine needles on top for the winter.
There are different types of Daffodils and Hyacinth, and red Tulips. I’m thinking of adding (annuals) Marigolds and Zinnias next year, starting plants from seed in the house because of our cold springs.

I got a packet of Allium Ostrowskianum (or Pink Lily Leek); a brilliantly colored, short allium (think onion family) which produces quarter-sized, deep magenta flowers which are unparalleled in the allium family! (So someone wrote.) Its short height makes it great for borders or for planting among other spring blooming perennials. The bulbs are small and I got 100. Rather than trying to “plant” them, I roughed up the soil and threw them around the base of a pine tree. Then I covered them with mulch. I’ll add more on top (fine dirt, sand, and mulch). If It doesn’t rain, I’ll have to water. Hoping that works.
A similar plant is native to the area – Douglas’s Onion {Allium douglasii} although the color is light violet/pink. I don’t want to dig them up and put in a bed with the others.

I’ve had fire in the wood stove for most of October. I have lots of wood, it just needs split and some needs cut to the proper length. I’m also burning small pieces from my use of the radial arm saw, collected over the past three years. Also, the remodel of house and shed generated lots of stuff not fit for re-use. Much of that I can cut up to feed the wood stove. Pieces with paint or nails has to go to the landfill, although I can burn stuff in an outside fire when conditions permit. Friends have taken lumber for their projects.
Maybe I’ll build a “greenhouse” and try to grow tomatoes. 😇

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan