Well not quite. May 31 was the last day of classes. Monday is listed as a “study day” but I don’t relate to that. Then finals, with commencement on June 8th – next Saturday.
On Wednesday, Geography had a party, inside because of the wind. After visiting and food, the professors did a tag-team like pronouncement of awards. Funds of nearly $25,000, from about eight donors (some deceased) are available. I came home with 8 hoagie type sandwiches and a few other things. I think each award is $1,000, to be used next school year as the student desires. {I need to check on this.} The Nancy & John pot provided four awards.
Friday was the last of the luncheons in the Ruth Harrington series for the group I’m in. Ruth has organized these for 50 years and is exiting the task. A ceremony is scheduled for the 15th in her honor – all the groups will attend, but the number is unknown to me now. Two people have agreed to co-chair the continuing series that started at $1.5 per lunch and is now $6. A member provides a meal, so the year cost is greater. All the six dollars goes to the Foundation. Over the 50 years this has totaled about $1.5 million.
Emphasis has been to support single parents and, more recently, local high school seniors enrolling at CWU.
There are two more events I will go to next week and that should do my college days until September.
At home, the normal things keep me busy. When the sun is intense, I try to work in the shade of the big shed; was brown, now blue. A current project is building a box-like enclosure to place in front of an installed animal door. The flexible plastic door is supposed to latch with magnets. In the image the metal strip is over the dog’s collar.
Even though my door is under the roof of a deck and not on the windy side of the house, it still blows open when gusts go over 25 mph. The box I’m building will have a similar door but facing differently, I hope the 2-door set-up will reduce the “open time.” Maybe by next week I will have this project done.
Why? Because starting Sunday morning Washington State is going to get wet. West of the Cascade Crest this will be significant. Here on the Naneum Fan it will likely be three days of wet, cool, and windy weather. Late Tuesday, the drizzle should end.
Thus, I’ll be working in the shed, reading, or napping.
Blooming this week, a native called Narrowfruit biscuit-root (Lomatiumbrevifolium). Apparently this is also misidentified as Nineleaf Desert Parsley, (Lomatium triternatum). It is above my pay scale to know such things.
Keeping track
on the Naneum fan.