Cold impacts

There was a cold period in December (down to -17°F) and there were cold mornings in early March. One or the other damaged buds on cherry and walnut trees. The photo below shows a cherry tree with one branch outlined in yellow.

The leaves on that branch are normal. The rest of the tree has wimpy leaves, commonly called cold weather dieback. The walnut trees do not have any standard-looking new leaves. This happened once before, about 20 years ago. I read than, but can’t find now, that the trees will survive unless this happens two years in a row.
A large plum tree seems to have some of this, but it may just be dying of old age. It was planted in the early 1980s, by the first owner. I have several dwarf plum trees (not the same type) and they are on the down-wind side of the house. They appear to be fine, have blossomed, and will soon show tiny fruit. So I hope.

Monday I went down into the Columbia Gorge, about 170 miles and 2,000 feet lower in elevation. The purpose of the trip was attending a presentation and reception for the Cascades Carnivore Project. The town is Hood River. Early settlement was on the steep slopes and the streets are narrow. There are many flowers and flowering trees. Up hill and south of town the look is similar to most other places. The gathering was held in a repurposed fruit packing facility called “The Ruins.”

Thursday the University held a gathering for scholarship recipients and donors. For the second year in a row I met a graduate for whom this was only the 2nd time she had been on the CWU campus. She and her mother came over from Moses Lake, 70 miles east of EBRG. Her degree is Law and Justice and she will take a job with the Adams County Sheriff Office.
These events are somewhat odd because often the donors, the students, and the faculty do not match. Few faculty come, except for non-teaching administrators. Many donors have died. Thus, the recipient at my table could not thank the donor(s) and did not know who they were. I introduced her to the head of the Foundation and together they were going to investigate. He was to pass her request to one of his crew.
I did talk with the President – Jim Wohlpart – for five minutes prior to the event. He came in 2021. I’ve heard two of his presentations for this event and another to the “retired” folks. First meeting, though.

Saturday I drove across the Cascades to Kathy & Fran’s place – to a barn party. There were lots of people I didn’t know – many from their church – and a few I did. Plentiful food that I mostly stayed away from.
I left early and made it a discovery trip, meaning I got lost and meandered around for half and hour in a section of WA that I knew little of. That’s what geographers do! Kathy’s thinks I should learn to use the GPS – stuff that Nancy taught for 25 years. What fun would that be? I was on tiny roads between Electron and Eatonville, WA. Lots of houses on the edge of lakes and all seem to have a boat dock. 50 miles south of Seattle.
Back to plants. I got the purple asparagus in their permanent home. See last week’s post. I was way late in getting onions in the ground so they will be almost a total loss. I also planted a dozen Astibes, again late. Percentage wise I am seeing better results than with the onions. From the web, here is what I wanted:

Maybe in three years.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan
