Eating requires activity

I went to a Monday evening dinner at the university. The event was meant to honor both the students that got awards and donors. One of the folks at my table {Dorian} got an award (in Nancy and my name) last May (2022). Three other impressive young women sat with us, as did the Dean of the College of the Sciences – Tim Englund. It was fun hearing their stories. The big-shots from the Foundation stopped by our table to chat.
Tags had only the person’s name, so I don’t think the graduates knew Tim was a dean. Dorian would learn that today when he meets her on stage and shakes her hand. I’ll remember to ask. The others were from colleges other than “sciences.”

Ann and Fred met me at the Red Horse Diner. The theme is the 1950s era of gasoline and motor oils. A tiny bit of this shows in the photo below.

These are friends we met the University of Iowa – 50 years ago. They visit the west every summer from Marquette, MI, having relatives and friends spread from Puget Sound to western Montana. His step-mother’s 90th birthday was today.
We spent 3 hours at the diner and then they took I-90 east toward Idaho.

Walter, remodeling contractor, stopped by this week to double check the things yet to be done here. He had not been out since water from the burst hose saturated the carpet. He thinks they will be working here week after this. The rest of the wood flouring should be here by then, although we don’t need it to get busy. Talking to Walter and others it is clear that supply issues and workers are still problems for the building trades.

I water plants as necessary and, in other moments I work on the future firewood supply. Thursday and Friday were cold with drizzle. I used the wood stove and will again tonight. It will be warmer by Monday.
New blossoms this week – Elderberry (web photo).
Next week – Philadelphus lewisii, locally called (Lewis’) Mock-orange after explorer Meriwether Lewis.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan
