Mid-April weather

Some work was done on the shed conversion. I cannot call it the Big Brown Shed now because the roof is blue, the sides are white and sandstone. The window and open-face trim will be white, same as the house. The composite-fiber siding, now white, will be blue. There will be decorative aspects eventually, and inside wiring to reconnect. I’m slowly removing an inside room at the back of the space — 2×4 frame and thin plywood siding. I built this shortly after we moved here in 1989, about 30 years ago — but never made much use of it. The purpose was to enclose a smallish space where the heater was, so as to not be heating the entire shed. I didn’t build it with the idea of taking it apart and now, not wanting to ruin the wood, the removal is slow. So, while not done, the future shed is figuratively visible.

I pruned grape vines most days and that takes about 6 hours total time from my day.
I’ve kept the wood stove working. The following chart is for the coming week, but the past week was about the same.

Last fall I cut 4 trees and some older wood into rounds. Late Saturday afternoon I went to get the rounds and pull the trees up to where I will cut them up. The wind picked up and snow started. Not much, but I didn’t finish the task. It is not safe being in the trees when the wind blows. The airport reported gusts to 35 mph. Snoqualmie Pass needed to be closed because of the snow and accidents. For most years this sort of thing would be reliably over by April 1st.

Annie (dog) and cats – Sue, Woody, Rascal, & Czar – and wild birds all need fed. I take Annie for a short walk in the morning. She has been good being alone for about six hours but needs out as soon as I get home, then again late in the evening. Usually about 4 AM I get her out, and check the stove. Then, we all go back to sleep for awhile.

Outside the sun is shining and it is 46°F. I’m off to do the wood gathering and perhaps some de-construction in the shed.

From the Naneum Fan