Wellness visit & preparing for cold

On Tuesday afternoon I had the 2nd of two visits to the Cle Elum clinic. The previous week at the first one – I was not in the mood – I only remembered 2 of the 3 words. One was “car”, I think, and I said “cart.” Then I was to draw a clock face for 10 after 11. Here is a re-creation of what I drew.
I drew the long line first and then realized the “long hand” of a clock is for minutes. Rather than starting over I just made a notation to move it over. Then I drew the short hand for the hour and put “11” on the black line to where it pointed. I thought it was a rather good and innovative “fix” to my too-long of a line initially. Neither the nurse or the doctor were impressed.
There are various folks that said something such as “It’s a small mind that can think of only one way to spell a word.”
Same with time: If you can only do it one way, you might be a mentally challenged.
The medical folks offered a few comments but I assured them I was mentally fit. More or less. I have never been good at remembering peoples names, nor at spelling.

Most of the year I feed the small birds and quail early morning and about ½ hour before dusk. With such short daylight I’ve been feeding once, just after Noon. Yesterday, about an hour after scattering seed a couple of deer showed up. I chased them off. An hour later six (of a larger flock) turkeys were there. Later there were 18 behind the house and when I let the dog out the door I startled them and they flew into the pines and Cottonwoods about 100 feet west of the house. They then, a few at a time, disappeared and I assume found better roosting sites. I’ve used a photo from the web because in the low light my photo only showed the silhouette of a black bird against a gray sky.

I was out and about bringing firewood closer to and into the house because of an approaching mass of cold air. The weather forecast is for near Zero temperatures every night this week. The highs are from 12° to 18°. I don’t want to be out getting wood when it is 5°. I’m not expecting much wind or snow. Over in Puget Sound there is both snow, wind, and cold. The Fraser River of British Columbia is like an inverted funnel with cold air flowing into northwest Washington. Snow photos are misleading because of the drifting. Sunday morning there is 5 inches along the BC/WA border and ½ inch in the south Sound area.
Here on the Naneum Fan the low was 9° and at 10:30 it is 19°. Currently there is sunshine. About 97% of WA is cloud covered. I’m on the NW edge of a small cloudless area stretching east and south into Oregon.

Now I need to tend the fire in the woodstove
from the Naneum Fan