Not so Nasty News SEPT 20th

Item #1: In the back yard

LinkI guess they did not ask, but you are not supposed to bury your friends in your back yard.

Item #2: birds fly This past week we have seen hundreds of birds sitting on the utility wires along Naneum Road; not flying. Off by himself was a banded Kingfisher.
Anyway, I found some information on the synchronized flights that are beginning to be understood. Modern technology has been helpful.

Murmurations – example

Beginning to figure it out

Item #3: Dog’s noses – thick woods We have always liked a good dog story. K-9 unit is about a year old. The lost kid, just 3.

Deputy Bloodhound

Item #4: Crash time Despite popular ideas, Seattle and the Puget Sound region does not receive lots of rain in a short period of time. When it does happen, drivers make a mess of the situation.

Rain, highways, cars, crash

And that, for this week, is the not so nasty news.