Sunday Night Update, the 17th

We are still not getting Nancy’s reports written. She is concentrating on Monday AM, when we have to be in the dentist’s office at 7:15, and it is an hour’s drive. Roads and weather seem okay.
She is still coordinating with the music group and they played Saturday afternoon. Then the host facility provided food.
We postponed going to Seattle to the shoulder replacement meeting. That’s good because Wed.’s weather looks like cold and snow. The cold weather forecast ends on the 26th. Our newly scheduled trip is to be Monday, March 11, early morning.
There is lots of time, so expect her to elaborate.

The ice photo is from our back door. Icicles form when the weather is near freezing. If it is too cold the snow doesn’t melt. If it is too warm, the melted snow just drips off. The icicles grow longer with each hour we are in the Goldilocks zone. Running to days now.

Our family is from the area in western Pennsylvania made famous by the Groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil.
Cousins live closest to the site, so this second picture is for them:

And that, for today, is the latest from the Naneum Fan.