TUESDAY — Not pneumonia !

Pneumonia was not confirmed.  No fever and no sign of the right germs or whatever it takes in one’s coughed-up material, which there was almost none of anyway.

A couple of weeks ago with Nancy seemingly stable the diuretic was eliminated from the drug arsenal.  But as she was not eating the right stuff, combined with the less than robust heart function, she began to retain fluid again.  To Nancy, currently, the ideal food is Lipton or Campbell noodle soup with a fake chicken aroma and lots of salt.  Sometimes she even eats the noodles.

I can’t hardly buy anything she will eat that isn’t loaded with salt.  I guess the next thing is to buy a grinder and get pieces of things small enough that she will swallow them.  The local hospital calls this a soft mechanical diet.  Think of a chicken salad sandwich without the bread.  Such pureed foods are sold, I think, in the grocery store under the heading of baby food.  That probably won’t do.

Before they kick her out of the hospital tomorrow I will have to have a plan in place.