We started the morning filling the pill box, our second time. We have seen pictures of folks going through this routine. One pill is only once-a-week, on Monday morning, and likely only for a month or two. Some I’ll take for the rest of my life. Some are twice a day. Some need to be broken in half because I don’t want to try and swallow the big ones whole. Some are tiny. One is dark green. One is bright yellow. One is chewable. One says don’t chew or break. Others have to take many more than we are currently dealing with. Sorry folks! And some folks have very expensive pills to pay for. Sorry again, but these are relatively inexpensive.
Today brought long distance phone calls from family and friends. Otherwise, the day was uneventful. I made time for leg exercises and to eat 3 meals (I’m still a light eater), and take my pills. Then we worked on some ‘Thank You’ stuff.
So while we were at home basically on cruise control a friend went flying for us – into the winds of an approaching storm. John wanted an air photo of the location of the weather station – it’s so new it wasn’t there when currently available photos were taken. We asked and she said she had to fly anyway – but whether that “had to” was a required time-in-air thing or a psychological thing she didn’t say. Late afternoon she called to say that despite getting jostled about some she got a batch of photos. Now she will export to her computer, create a CD (because of large file sizes), then John will upload, resize, crop, and annotate. Then one will become part of a public (viewable on-line) weather station atlas. The technology is as amazing as that found in intensive care hospitals — even if what transpired today hasn’t saved my life I’m still impressed.
I’m still working through the batch of emails that have piled up since November, and responding to current ones. John goes in and out but returning frequently to see what I need. I’m spending time in a recliner chair and while I can get down and up, I can’t make the thing lay back in the recumbent position and a recliner isn’t much good if it won’t recline. John is the power unit that makes the silly thing recumb.