WEDNESDAY — start slowly, work hard

We had light rain all last night but lovely weather today, becoming sunny with billowing puffy white clouds around the blue sky.  The drippy and gray early sky made for a great morning to sleep in so I did.  Then I had a late breakfast, followed by pills, and then I worked on the laptop awhile still catching up on emails on a couple of accounts.  I still need to check all those messages saved by John in my absence.  Also, they keep coming in to — still the best contact for us.

We skipped lunch during the noon hour and headed to out-patient physical therapy for an hour.  Did well, happily.  I completed several walks around without a walker and then climbed high-riser stairs.  While resting from that, my therapist set up an obstacle course.  It had things to step over, then I had to walk on a foam cushion (springy) the size of a single bed, step up on a high stand, and then over another circular piece and finishing via a serpentine route through a set of cones.

After that I rested again to stabilize my heart beat, and then I went to a recumbent bike-like machine that includes both arm and leg (stepper) functions.  Legs first for 5 minutes and then another 5 with using my arms.  Finally, after resting from that, I did one more balance with my eyes closed and the therapist pushing my body in different directions and I had to regain (sustain) my balance.  I did well on that.  Then he had me raise one foot and stand only on one.  That is a bit harder, but I was doing better on the hard foam pad than I had last Friday on the hard floor.  So, I’m making improvement.  [Unlike some others there with whom improvement is barely noticable and, sadly, seems destined to continue as such.  JFH]

We came on home for a late lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with a backlog of things, especially online.  John was sorting through a stack of papers and found letters to each of us from Medicare that had arrived a few days before Thanksgiving.  They had a form they wanted filled out and returned within 10 days.  Oops! I called and worked through a phone-tree to a real person.  Then we answered the questions.

I’ve been getting an afternoon nap but it didn’t happen today with the late morning start and the trip to physical therapy.  We’ll have lights out early tonight.
