SATURDAY — food, therapy, fluid

Everyone seems to be in agreement that as Nancy consumes better food and starts to move more (as in physical therapy) she will speed her recovery.  The doctor is pushing the food aspect and indicated he is currently keeping the chest drains in especially to prevent any pressure on her lungs.  When I arrived today the physical therapy team was completing a session with her and then later the nurse brought a padded chair and propped Nancy’s feet up to lessen the pressure in her legs.

Her heart rate, breathing, and oxygen saturation (without supplementation) were all in good range today.  All signs that the repair of her heart has worked as planned.

A few days ago the ICU was a bit quiet.  Not so last night and today.  We never know who is there or why but it is easy to tell when patients in serious need are there.

One of Nancy’s new “friends” following along suggested a tattoo on Nancy saying “No Heparin” and seems like a good idea.  The question is where to put it.  A medical bracelet was/is a good idea also.

I’ve thought of getting a sweatshirt listing all the things she has endured in the last year – something like

“2009 was a great year –

I survived

and then the list”

We’ll need a big sweatshirt or tiny print.