National Banana Split Day

Wouldn’t you know? Sunday is National Banana Split Day and I ain’t got no bananas.
I do have a nice ice cream that will have to substitute. “Umpqua” is a native term for a region on the Oregon Coast, south of Portland about 145 miles. A banking concern there recently took control of my local EBRG bank.

The Pacific Northwest is having a week of November-like weather in the middle of summer. Temperatures are about 15 degrees cooler than might be expected and it is raining hard in the mountains. I only get a little of that, say 1/10th inch when west of me and inch or two is received.

I built a ramp this week along the side of the newly built-up and graveled area. It is wide enough for my garden cart (Gorilla brand), that admirably serves as a wheel-barrow.
A second chore was the final removal of the large piles of dirt and rock pushed just off the drive near the front of the house; at the time of initial remodel in spring 2020.
I’ve ordered a bunch of deer-deterring flowers for the area. The list: Daffodils {Maliee & Pink Champagne, Allium Ostrowskianum, and a mix of Hyacinth}. [See: dutchgrown dot com] I will get tulips, also, but they have to be fenced or the deer destroy the leaves as soon as they show up.

Other news: I got a haircut. I have signed up with the Adult Activity Center to be at the “Senior Lounge” at the Kittitas County Fair on Thursday and Saturday for 2 hours each day. Often it is overly hot, but this year looks to be quite nice. As a “senior” I could get into the grounds for $6.00; so I save $12 assuming I would go, but I wouldn’t. Anyway, I got a hair cut so I would look presentable. Questionable.

During the last 36 hours I think my sick cat, Woody, is declining, related I think to her “odd-shaped” heart. After medication last month, she seemed better and ate better. Yesterday she didn’t really want anything I offered for her to eat. This morning she threw up water, mostly. At the moment she is by a window in morning sunlight.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan