Photos of Yard things

There is not much to record for this past week. There are fires in WA State, but the nearest to me has been 20 miles to the south west. I have seen smoke but it was high and I never smelled any. Two of the cross-Cascade highways have been closed, making commerce and recreation problematic. Again, no impact on me.
While moving dirt-&-rocks, wood, and watering a few plants, I took a few photos. The first is of the wood moved and needing stacked.

The first chore is to get it closer to the shed. Here, I’ve thrown about 15% from the original stack that was moved with a truck and dumped. On Saturday, I am 95% finished with the tossing.
Next (lower left), is Czar, having just examined the soil I’m using to cover a drain – placed two years ago. I’ve been sifting soil from piles nearby, but taking most to level the garden. Now the ditch gets covered. Czar comes around to see what I am doing and either approves or disapproves by peeing on something there. I’m not sure of the message.

The top photo is of Hollyhocks, grown from seed provided by Mark – – one of the vine pruners. Last year they were all the light pink, here on both the far left and right. The highly saturated pink and the white were not in the first-year plants. A mystery I have to investigate.
I did collect seed last year and planted them ‘outside’ this spring. None grew. I have now read that is not the best procedure. Mark is a Master Gardener, so I need to contact him about both issues.
The lower right photo is of a common weed, namely Field Bindweed {Convolvulus arvensis}. It got that “bindweed” name because it has long roots that can wrap around tillers and require hand removal. The flowers are pretty, but small and close to the ground. Wikipedia has a page.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan