Gone is Summer

The summer-like weather is over for our area. This is what the forecast looks like for the Washington Coast.

There won’t be a lot of rain near the coast, but the higher western ridges and the peaks will measure rain and snow in inches. Mount Rainier will get many inches per day of snow.
I expect drizzle. For Mon/Tue/Wed, I might get an inch of rain. Sun returns Thursday.

Boys Town or not to …
I got a large stuffed envelope from Boys Town on Tuesday. All sorts of things were inside, including all the usually things such as mailing labels, but also 3 pens and a envelope opener {plastic with embedded razor}, and a kid’s size pair of socks – Christmas decorated. There is a calendar and a yearly planner. It is, of course, a plea for money.
My question – why me? My name is being shopped around, I think because two years ago I gave $20 to the Salvation Army, or some other charity. I do wonder how much this cost and how many were sent out. Hmm?

Thursday evening I went to a talk regarding the women that were the first instructors at the Normal School (teacher training school) in Ellensburg. The progression here has been similar to the Normal Schools in Pennsylvania – I got a B.S. in Education at Clarion State, now Clarion University.
I likely would not have attended except for needing to go to town for groceries. It, also, was suggested by the Retirement Association. New retirees are not participating much and the old folks are dropping out. This issue is a concern for many organizations.

In addition to moving rocks and dirt around this week, I cleaned enough of the shed so I could lay out 4 sheets of plywood. I have painted these with bright white acrylic semi-gloss. I bought a “peel and stick” vinyl mural that almost fits the 8 ft high by 16 feet wide space on the sheltered side of the rebuilt shed. [The mural is 9 x 15] It is a western theme – horses on a grassy rise with distant mountains.
I can trim the bottom by 4″ and the top by 8″ without degrading the image. The sides of the space will need some fill. I haven’t decided on what that will be.

Last week I carted an old wooden file cabinet and a dorm-room type desk out to the county road. Free to the needing person. No takers. I must have a higher class of motorists passing by. Today I carted them back to a shed.

Meanwhile, the Black Walnut trees have turned yellow and have blessed the driveway with a bushel of nuts. This time next week – the trees will be bare.

Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan