Easter flowers are a thing. Problem is nothing here is more than 4 inches out of the ground. No tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, or lilies. Not that I have any hyacinths but I will have some of the others in a month. To compensate, I bought a ham butt to roast; spiral cut.
Two friends on the pruning crew hope for rhubarb to make an Easter pie. That’s not happening this year, but they have a few small leaves. Other desserts are planned.
I did manage to plant about 400 onions. Most came from a supplier -Dixondale Farms – in southern Texas. They can supply “long day” onions. Our longest daylight is about 16 hours and the onions I get do better than one acclimated to shorter days (lower latitudes). Buying from Dixondale, I also know the length of time I can expect each time to keep in storage.
Walking through a local store I say bags of onions bulbs, both red and white. A bag of 60 was $2.49, so I bought one bag of reds. However, I know nothing about these and can only hope they are suitable for my latitude. Only about 45 of the 60 looked health. We’ll see.
Once all the starts were in the ground, rain began. I’ve had light rain on and off for 36 hours and this is expected to continue until next Thursday.
I guess that’s good.
The rain caused our pruning time to decrease. We are way-way behind.
Meanwhile a moist stream of air is headed to Washington State. When this hits the mountains, some places may get snow (lots) and then rain. If, as expected, 7 inches of rain falls on the existing snow, rivers will rise rapidly and flooding can be expected. This will become news on Monday. Stay tuned.
Sometimes you see or hear of a weather warning. The wording confuses many folks (me) so one never knows when to stock up on candles and beer. Here is an image that helps – if it is a “watch” you have time to prepare. Don’t forget the candles. If it is a “warning” the preparing stage is over, so eat before the lights go out.
It is time to add wood to the stove.
Keeping Track
on the Naneum Fan