Not so Nasty News October 23rd

A hard frost Wednesday night caused the Carpathian Walnut leaves to fall. On Tuesday I picked the last of the yellow Summer Squash, and brought the onion harvest inside.

Item #1: murmurations

Birds and fish in group flights
There are many videos of Starling murmurations; massive numbers. Not shown here.
This one shows the birds on the ground. Fun to watch also.


Item #2: Choices

Found this and it reminded me of the time we took visitors up to Washington’s false Bavarian Village of Leavenworth. Many things there, most of which no one needs. This is about food.
Stocked shelves in grocery store

Item #3: Driver is in the truck

This comes from the Siberian Times without much explanation.

Polar Bears like garbage

Sad thing here is that the little ones miss out on the “food”.

Item #4: People have way too much time

Item #5: Missed us!

About half of Washington State has snow on the ground. We have had a bit of rain. The snow is moving south and may reach us tonight. In the last two hours the wind direction shifted from out of the North to an East Wind. In the image below, imagine air flowing from the distant hills (top) and coming toward you. That air is encountering the air already here (warmer) and we get rain. The red line is our normal wind direction – off the Pacific Ocean, over the mountains. The moisture falls on the west-facing slopes of the Cascade Mountains.
Tonight the wind is shifting and the blue line shows its direction – east to west, and up the gently sloping approach to the Cascade Crest. The air expands and cools. If it cools enough the water vapor therein will chill. That’s what is happening tonight, and we should get snow sometime during the next few hours. The Weather Service estimates a maximum of 2 inches for us, or some rain.
This will be followed by cold air out of the north again – – and 16°F by Sunday morning. Ouch!
The temperature will rebound Tuesday to 47°, and not go to freezing in the next 7-day forecast period.

And that, for this week, is the not so nasty news.